In this task, I will be planning a glass photoshoot using colour negative film. As the B&W shoot was mainly done during class, this will be taken during our free time. A lot more effort and consideration will go into this shoot because it's going to be in colour!
Here is my planning:

My idea is to go around Leeds and capture some colour images, especially at the Leeds German Markets. As it is the time of Christmas, it gives me the opportunity to visit this seasonal market and get some glass interpreted images. They also have stalls so I would bound to find some Christmas themed glass objects that I can capture.
I will need my camera and my SD card foremost. I could consider taking a tripod but because it's super busy, I might just go freehand. I'll need to carry my bag to ensure that my camera is safe after I'm done. I will also need to wear appropriate clothing because it's cold outside.
I am planning to take these images in the night. Having this option, I can see all the stalls and the atmosphere lit up. I will be using both artificial and natural lighting because there will be a lot of artificial light sources around. The natural lighting will just be from outside but because it's at night, it won't be so strong. It's also an advantage that it gets dark so soon. The only thing I need to consider is making sure my images are focussed while shooting at night. I think this shoot will take a whole day because I will be travelling to Leeds and back, plus I want to consider and make each shot count.
I won't need to buy anything additional. I only have my travel cost which will cost me around £4-5 at most. Food and drink for the whole day which will cost £3-5 at most.
Colour Negative/Digital Print Comparison
After making my plan for a glass themed photoshoot using colour negative film, this next task is to shoot these images. However, the purpose of this task is to compare prints made from digital, alongside prints scanned from my colour negatives. This meant that we had to shoot the same images on colour negative and digital too, at the same time.
Like previously with my B&W shoot, I had another disaster. My images did not come out and I lost so many good shots. Luckily in this case, I do have the digital copy so you can see exactly what I took during my trip to Leeds. I finished all the exposures, went to the German markets and around Leeds like planned. I didn't quite understand why it kept happening and it's slightly frustrating because I hardly face any issues with using film. I do believe the film I was using must have already been faulty. I don't think it's the camera because I've shot the previous shoots with the same camera. But it was also slightly an issue when I would change the shutter speed, it was slightly move the ISO so I had to keep changing it back and push the shutter speed dial down to ensure it's secure.
Here is the digital copy of the images I've taken in Leeds. I am extremely proud of these images because I composed each image on both cameras, ensuring it's focused and exposed properly. Even though they didn't go according to plan with the film camera, these digital images shows what I've done and there's also some additional shots here as the film camera only captured 36 exposures at the most. These images also ties in with task 2 primary research as they are images interpretations of glass - taken on location.
From the shoot, these are the only images that have come out. If you look at the digital images contact prints, you can see that they are the last few images. I still feel the need to re-shoot because these weren't enough, and I knew they would have been super great.

Re-shooting Colour Images
By the time I got the chance to re-shoot, unfortunately the German markets in Leeds were over. However, I did make the effort to go to Leeds and shoot around with both colour film and digital cameras. I was slightly gutted that I couldn't get the market images on film but I then I had to reconsider my plan and shoot around Leeds.
Here are the digital contact prints:
Again, there are some additional images in the digital because I knew there's no limitations in comparison to the film. I did shoot in Leeds but also in Bradford. I thought it's colour so might try shooting some of the same images that I've shot for my B&W shoot.
Here are the colour film contact prints:
I was so relieved that the images were fine this time. I think the shoot went well, and I got images in focus for both digital and film. Due to the time constrain and bad timing with the markets gone, I had to get this re-shoot done without having an initial plan in mind. Saying that, it still went well for a last minute shoot.
Here is an additional GIF I created to show the images I've selected to compare.
*The analysis of my comparison is in my darkroom folder.
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